02 July 2009


by order of the king (husband).  
you know the drill.  if i don't know you, and you still want to read the blog, at least make it possible for me to see YOUR blog-- it would make me feel better.   
much love to all.
*if you've already left a comment, please comment again and leave your email.  i need emails!!
**the privacy will take place in 8 days.


Jared and Katy said...

ok ok ok...I feel guilty now...I guess I HAVE TOO "come out" I honestly don't remember how I found your blog, it must have been one day when I was bored and I got too deep into the blog world...but anyways I was very intrigued by how you wrote and all your fun stories and opinions...I also felt as though we had a lot in common and I can ALWAYS relate to another blonde sista'! So you have been on my google reader for about 3-4 months...i'm sorry I didn't mean to "creep" I just got wrapped up in your blog somehow...but honestly I think if we met one day we would be REALLY close friends (is that weird)? anyways...thats all...
p.s. I also loved your hair cut when I first saw your blog...so I thought if she appreciates hair as much as I do...she must be my kinda gal!

Jordyn said...

I do not know how I found your blog either, but I love reading it. I have gone through a lot of the same experiences with babies as you and it makes me feel better knowing there is someone who knows EXACTLY what I am going through. Jordanward18@hotmail.com

Cathy said...

Hello...ok, now I totally feel like a creep. I found your blog when I linked to it through your sister's (?) when I was on Karey Crain's blog. Karey and I went to elementary school together and keep in touch through blogging.

Anyway, I stumbled upon your blog and found myself hooked. Your life seems so cool and your writing is fun and refreshing. Plus, I have also noticed that we read many of the same books.

I'd like to keep following your journey, but if it freaks you out, I totally understand.

Take care and best wishes with your "little coconut"!


PS-- you can check out my blog at www.andsoitgoesclk.blogspot.com

Cathy said...

Hello...ok, now I totally feel like a creep. I found your blog when I linked to it through your sister's (?) when I was on Karey Crain's blog. Karey and I went to elementary school together and keep in touch through blogging.

Anyway, I stumbled upon your blog and found myself hooked. Your life seems so cool and your writing is fun and refreshing. Plus, I have also noticed that we read many of the same books.

I'd like to keep following your journey, but if it freaks you out, I totally understand.

Take care and best wishes with your "little coconut"!


PS-- you can check out my blog at www.andsoitgoesclk.blogspot.com

Steph said...

well crapola. i'm a creeper too. even creepier? i may have saved a photo of your short hair for future reference. i am sorry for being a creeper, but you should be able to click on my name to see my blog, and creep back.

J & J said...

you are not creepers! i appreciate you "coming out." i promise, i don't get freaked out easily--i appreciate the readership. don't forget to leave your emails!

Brooke Wilkins said...

love your blog jenna! congrats! wilkinsbrooke@gmail.com

Unknown said...

you know me. im not a creep! haha aareanjergensen@hotmail.com

Ani said...



Jessica said...

Yes, like a few of the others, I stumbled across your blog a while back (can't remember exactly how now, although we do have mutual friends). I'd love to be able to continue reading! Thanks!


Breanne King said...

HEY! I want to keep reading!

Steph said...

sorry, i forgot my email. mormonchildbride(at)gmail(dot)com.

Cody and Britt said...

hi jenna! i'm not sure if we ever oficially met but i found your blog thru mutual friends...we were both in good ol helaman halls the same year. but i love reading your blog and i'd love to keep doing so :) congrats on your exciting news!

~brittany (willis) fullmer

Alissa said...

hi there! i'm the same as the others- found it while stumbling around one day- but i love your openness and honesty! my blog is alissaandjacob.com. Please read and enjoy- I love readers! and congrats on your coconut- I am getting married next week and can't wait to have one of my own!

Michaela said...

I would love to continue to read your blog! I commented on a previous post but just in case, I know Jake from high school and I'm a Bean (Alex Bean is my cousin).
Check out my blog at http://timandmichaela.blogspot.com
And my email is michaelabean9@msn.com
And I totally understand about not wanting to watch the countdown to be reminded of how much longer you have left because it does seem like forever! You guys are going to have one absolutely gorgeous child!

Blah De Dah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ash said...

Add me! aboutomorrow1@hotmail.com .... ps tell Katie to add me too!

Rachel Anne Robbins Kuch said...


love ya sista.

Agne said...

Labas, man taip pat patinka skaityti tavo blog'a.

Anonymous said...

Blurkers unite!


You can check out my blog at http://copenhagenfollies.blogspot.com

Catherine Parker said...

Hi Jenna! I've been following your blog for a little while now (through Katie J's). Hope all is going well. Good luck with little coconut on the way!


natalie said...

I would love to keep reading!!!

Mel said...

Oh man I need to do this. Adam keeps telling me to do the same thing. I just don't know how... I mean I'm sure it's not difficult. I think I'm just being lazy! HaHa!! Anyway add me for sure!!

liz said...

lizpjones@gmail.com .. call me

Jessica said...

jbalkman@gmail.com. love this blog!

Michelle said...

hey woman! add me to your list of a gazillion friends! michelleholbrook@gmail.com

Tyler and Jess said...

I hate when people go private! But you know I want to read! Please invite me...jessica_malone@hotmail.com

Alixa said...

I would love to continue reading... alixawinn@gmail.com

Cathy said...

ooops... I left a comment earlier, but no e-mail.


Again, gracias! :)

The Cartwright Family! said...

hey i don't know if you remember me, but i was friends with your sister Katie when you guys lived in Medina i linked you from her blog and i like to read yours as well. I'll send you an invite to our blog...i think you may remember my husband...he was in your ward...but way older....
email is amycart@gmail.com
Amy flory cartwright

SHANNON said...

BLOG: http://skv6.blogspot.com/

HA! It looks like im on the "same page" as others are! ;) I dont know you, and you dont know me...but I came across your blog a lil while back and have enjoyed reading it ever since! Id love to be able to keep doing this but understand you want to make it private. Above is my email & my blog incase you think im a "keeper"! ;) Have a great day!
Shannon (who lives in Sterling, CT...but is from Northern, VA)

Anonymous said...


Karey said...

Hi Jenna! I'm a friend of Katie's from the mission and she'd tell us all about her sister on her mission in Lithuania (is that right?) so I've been lurking since before you had a blog! :) I'd love to keep up with your cute self! Best of luck with your little one!


Karey said...

p.s. I love love love your header. You should do a tutorial on how you did it!

Ca V Ha said...

Hey! getbackster@gmail.com - and if you want to give me yours I can add you to my personal blog as well!

Janae said...

What a great way to see how many strangers follow your life! Like everyone else, I found your blog through a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend... and love your creativity! (I may be known to copy some of your ideas.)


My blog is private as well. I will add you to my viewing list so you can get to know your stalker!

Megan Gubler said...

I love your blog and think you are a super cute girl add me if you want!


Katie and joe said...

jenna darling- i'm not a creeper, think you know us! :) love you guys! tell the king 'hey' for us.


good riddance to the countdown- those things stink sometimes!

Andrea said...

you rock my otherwise mundane world.

acp 389 at gmail

Annie Malone said...

You don't know me, but I love reading your blog! Along with your two sisters- You have a great family. I'm new to the blog world. You can find me at www.annleeadams.blogspot.com. Congrats on the pregnancy too!

Annie Malone said...

Oh and my email is aladams4@gmail.com

Brandi said...

Hey Jenna,
This is Brandi, Trevor Jones's wife.. (Jake's old mission comp).. We come here occasionally just to see what you & Jake are up to! :) I would love an invite to your blog.. :) Our email is kamasamoa@gmail.com

Thanks so much! :)
& CONGRATS on the little coconut! :)

Lindsey said...


Rebecca Lowe said...


and YAY! congrats on the baby!

Stephanie said...

love your blog! azdrews@gmail.com

I don't have a blog, but have a journal. http://www.tloljournals.com/forum188.php

jenna said...

you are so popular. will i make the cut? i hope so.

The Clarks said...

amyleeclark at gmail dot com:)

mattandlesliecogbill.blogspot.com said...

Hey Jenna
Glad to see things are going well.Congratulations on your little coconut. How exciting!

{Layla} said...

Oh my goodness cute jenna--you sure have a lot of people in the blog world who blog stalk you! You sure are Miss. Popular!

lks0914 at gmail dot com

Much love!

JJB said...

hi there! I am absolutely in love with your blog and I would be devestated if I was forever banned! My email is julieoneal@gmail.com! Signed, blog creeper ps I promise I'm not crazy! :)

JJB said...

pps my blog is thebrymers.blogspot.com

Dear Daisy said...

add me please! deardaisies@gmail.com

congrats on your baby!

The Scalese Family said...

Yet another one of your readers you don't know but I would love to keep reading!

Alissa said...

oops forgot to leave my email! azimm85@gmail.com

Chrissi said...

Yep, I'm a creeper too. I found your blog through Mike and Angela Rose's. Your blog is adorable and I'd love to keep reading! Congrats on the fabulous baby news!


Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

Hi Jenna (and Jake)... My name is Mandy and I stumbled across your blog only a few weeks ago and realized that Jake was Brynda's brother! I love Brynda. I also used to be in the same ward as Julie and Max Vela (till we moved recently)... so I was happy to find you guys! Julie always spoke so highly of you. Anyway, I love fellow bloggers and just knowing there are others out there that use this as an "escape" is awesome. And Congrats on the baby!!! That's sooo exciting!
My blog is pandmchiappini.blogspot.com email is: philipandmandy@gmail.com

Zane + Nichole said...

um hi?

i have been reading your blog for over a year now, so sometimes i feel like we're friends... (that sounds way creepy weird but i don't mean it like that)

anyways, look at my blog, that desperately needs to be updated, and then maybe i can be approved for the private list??? please?


Megan said...


duh.... of course!

Ali said...

yes please. blali.hillstead@gmail.com

Kali and JT said...

Hey jenna, I am really good friends with Ben Beeson's sister brandi and saw jake and ben at stake stuff growing up, I think one of my friends had a huge crush on Jake when she was like 14 or something... pretty funny. Anyway I love your blog and reading all your insights! I hope I can make the cut!
Kali Meng

Lisa said...

Don't forget me! I love how we keep in touch via blogs.


Morgan said...

I still feel like a creepy stalker, even though I already "came out." I'd love to continue reading!


Amy Ruth said...

i'm a reader you don't know (found you through caitlin). but i'm hoping you'll bring me along to the private world! i've been following your story since caitlin lost reese ... and i'm so thrilled your finally having a baby!!


Heath and Gretchen said...

Don't forget us! gsparry@gmail.com! We've been out of town for a week and when we came back I saw the little coconut ticker on the side of your blog! I just about died from excitment! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

P.S. you guys are about 2 1/2 hours south of us - if you ever make your way up to Gainesville let me know!!! Next time we head to Orlando we'll do the same! :)

The Young Family Inc. said...


Don't 4 get mom and dad.


Brittany said...


jeff&lynn said...

well it's good to know that there are other creepers out there. i feel strange leaving a comment since i don't know you but i came across your blog awhile back and have been hooked ever since. i love your honesty and willingness to share you thoughts. wish i could be brave enough to do the same! i would love to continue reading. congrats on the coconut :)


Unknown said...

Don't forget me...i would be so sad to miss out on your fabulous life...love you...jennydannels@gmail.com

Jared and Katy said...

sorry I forgot my email... kma550@uga.edu

Tammy said...

I'm yet another unknown reader that doesn't quite know how they got here, but I've been reading your cute blog for a little while now. I love how you aren't afraid to post whatever is on your mind. I wish I was brave enough to be that way on my own blog! I'd love to keep reading if possible. My email is tamolson81@gmail.com

Aubree said...

Ok I have to de-lurk. I am on old roommate of your SIL Jenye. I love your blog and the way you write! Aubs_10@hotmail.com

Chad Carly and Baby Cash said...

Oh my gosh! I have like 7 readers. You are insane. carlyanncarlson@gmail.com

The Browns said...


Reimstar said...


nate & traci said...

love reading your blog!! always makes me smile!

Anonymous said...

Ok I am a creeper too! but i was friends of your sisters rachel friends and saw your blog somewhere and you honestly write some great stuff! and im pretty sure you have come in shade before and i work there! so if you would like add me! cause i love your blog- nulie87@gmail.com and mine is private so if you wanna be added to mine just leave your email somewhere on here hah my blog isnt as wonderful though!
-Juliana Wade

Lauren said...

geez popular
count me in
laurenfoulger@gmail, laurenfoulger@hotmail

kristinann said...

hey jenna! i'm just an old friend from medina ward and would love to keep reading. thanks!

Amy said...

hey! i'm one of the kent griffeth girls from ga. and would love to continue to keep up with your family. i love reading your blog...it's so fun and creative! congrats on the baby. that's exciting news. :D i have a blog too(not as exciting or fun as yours ;) ) but you are more than welcome to visit it. [jonandamybarlow.blogspot.com] we might go private one day as well...but for now...

Anonymous said...

Ok I am comment #80. You are seriously loved. Please keep me as a reader :) jareann@gmail.com

Shannan Monson said...

i'd love to see your family pictures! shannancharlene@gmail.com

Bart and Jill said...


Tell Jakey and Jenye hi!!

Jessica said...

So I love your blog. I am not sure how I found it. Probably off of a friends or something so If you don't mind I would love to keep blog stalking you . my email is
jessicaholbrook8@gmail.com and my blog is jessicaholbrook.blogspot.com

Rebecca Anderson said...


Devon said...


Hope you are well. I know we have not talked in a while but I love hearing about what you are up to/thinking.

Teryn said...

Wow! You are a popular girl! I've only been reading your blog for a week or two... I found it on Andrea Roche's blog. I think that some people just have a gift with writing and captivating hundreds of readers at the same time. You are apparently one of those bloggers! I know google only let's you add 100 readers to your reader list and I am comment number 86! And most of these people do not know you.. so, I'd assume there are many many more you need to add that you DO know! I hope I make the cut but understand if I don't. I do love your writing and quirky blurbs ;) My blog is also private b/c of the nature of my husbands job.. you are welcome to check it out like you requested on this post. Just e-mail me with your blogger e-mail at
Teryn6@aol.com and I'll send you an invite. Good luck with everything!

AdamAndMelaine said...

Yep, found your blog through Jylare Smiths...my cousin. Would love to keep reading. My blog is adamandmelaine.blogspot.com. Good luck going private!

AdamAndMelaine said...

I forgot to leave my email. melainers16@hotmail.com

Lance, Kim and LeBron Jones said...

this is kim Jones Jenye's oldest Dearest friend. You have to keep me added to your blog I watched Jake grow up and love hearing your adventures and blessings. Please add me to your private status. Congrats too on the little one. I know he/she will be beautiful!

Danielle said...

Put me on the list! Congrats on the little coconut! Yeah!!!


Aubrey said...

friends of friends together. I love reading your blog. If you can add me on your list. You may have to check out the my blog to figure exactly who this is...go ahead it's not a fabulous as yours but love to keep in touch...

Andrea said...

add us please

Aubrey said...

oh p.s.
e-mail is aubs03@gmail.com

maleahbliss said...

Hey there... u don't know me but jake does. :) we were in the same ward growing up. my name is Maleah Caulford- Jake knows me as Maleah Shill tho. my email is: maleahbliss@msn.com i don't really keep a blog, so sorry none to share... but on a random side note, we're due on the same day! :)

Cherice said...

Wow girl u know u can only add 100 U r misspopular :). Please add me if u have room. I d love it. Cherice_Magleby@hotmail.com.

The Roches said...

Hi Jenna! I'm another one of those who knows you but I'm not sure if you know me. :) We had lots of mutual friends at BYU. I love following your blog and am so excited about your little one on the way. I'd love to keep reading! Hope you're feeling great!
Emily Roche

Yumiko said...

labas! jeigu gali add me, giedre@gmail.com
tikiuosi tau sekasi labai gerai!

Rach said...

i LOVE reading your blog! Totally understand about going private, but if you can fit me in I'd love it. Or another option would be to make another blog for the private stuff, for baby pics and all of that, and keep this one more general so we can still keep up with you! You are adorable.

Rach said...

oops I forgot to put my email. rachaelhm@yahoo.com

Alexis Poelman said...

you popular girl, you!! i think we have like, mmm, maybe 12 readers. ok, but the point is that we love you and your blog. sooo, if you can squeeze us in, we'd love to keep up on your buiiness: alexispoelman@gmail.com. thanks jenna jenna. hope you guys are doing well. soooo excited about your news!! fingers crossed!

Nellie said...

I'd love to keep reading your blog if you have room! Also, congrats on that little growing baby of yours...I was so excited to see your big news and keep thinking about you and hoping all is going well with the little bean!


Alix said...

Hey Jenna!
I think your blog is simply adorable! I love reading it and it makes me happy! I am friends with Lyndsi and Jake! They both went to my highschool... so I'm not a TOTAL blog stalker.

Mandy said...

Wow--what a band of followers! I hope I'm not too late.

Jenna, your blog is one of the first I look at when I log onto googlereader--I was very happy to hear about your little growing coconut, and pray that all will go well.

If you can, please add me:

SJ said...

as tave myliu. tu zinau kad as skaciau tavo blog kiek viena diena.

Add me.

love you,


Morgan said...

morganjeanpeterson@gmail.com... if you can... :)

Rachel said...

hey jenna.. congrats on the baby.. we still need to get together while you're here in Orlando.. does Jake get off early on Saturday nights?!


this is ty.. but we blog under rach's email address..

Unknown said...

are you sure the king will want you going private when he sees how many fans you inspire with your words?! I understand though. I'm totally a lurker, but found you through mutual friends. (I also am positive I was in the dorms at the same time as your sis Katie)
whit.b.john at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

are you sure the king will want you going private when he sees how many fans you inspire with your words?! I understand though. I'm totally a lurker, but found you through mutual friends. (I also am positive I was in the dorms at the same time as your sis Katie)
whit.b.john at gmail dot com

yellow dog blog said...

I love your blog! Don't remember how I came across it but yours is my favorite and I'll be sad to see it go. If you have space please add me, adamsjana@gmail.com. Best of luck to you with everything!

byubrandy said...

byubrandy@mindspring.com :)

michael. mindy. dane. said...

I'm one of those random readers. I've admitted it before but would love to keep reading if you have room :) oh, and CONGRATS on being pregnant! So, so happy for you!

Chelsea said...

me please.
chelsea (dot) alder (at) gmail (dot) com

Heather said...

Hi Jenna-
Another official "creeper". I found your blog through Megan Papworth's. She and I went to middle school together and danced together for a long time. I LOVE reading your blog and you help me find a lot of calm in my life. Obviously I totally understand that you will probably not pick me to keep reading your blog due to the number constraints, but I would love to if you find a way to get around that! My email is heathers@creighton.edu, and my blog is heathersmd.blogspot.com. Thanks for writing such a fun blog!

Heather said...

Hi Jenna-
Another official "creeper". I found your blog through Megan Papworth's. She and I went to middle school together and danced together for a long time. I LOVE reading your blog and you help me find a lot of calm in my life. Obviously I totally understand that you will probably not pick me to keep reading your blog due to the number constraints, but I would love to if you find a way to get around that! My email is heathers@creighton.edu, and my blog is heathersmd.blogspot.com. Thanks for writing such a fun blog!

Unknown said...

We have never met, but I met Jake in the dorms. I don't think he will remember me though. I'm really good friends with Andrea. Anyways, your posts are always interesting!


Erin said...

Wow! you are so loved! I love reading your blog, but I know you're limited on readers. I'd love to be able to continue to read your blog, but wont be offended if not. I know Jake from high school, but it's not like I've kept in contact with him. I do feel that he has an AMAZING wife. You inspire me Jenna!

Erin said...

p.s. erin.risenmay@gmail.com

We are 3. said...

Kinda crazy but my husband was roommates w/ Rob Jones at BYU and I went to HS with Austin Overman. Love the blog.

Lauren said...

Jenna! Don't let me stop reading your fabulousness. I love you - I'm getting married!

Rachel F. said...

Hi Jenna - I think I've commented before but not often. I'm a friend of a friend of a friend (and remember you and Jake from freshmen year) and I've been loving your blog for a year now. Your writing and honesty and depth is refreshing. I wish you all the best with this pregnancy, fingers crossed and prayers said.

Add me to the list of people you can add if they ever increase the limit past 100. rachelzackrison@gmail.com

Thanks! Have a good week.

Laura said...

Hi Jenna,
Another fellow fan of you and your blog! I've only commented once and that was when I asked you about your recommendations for facial care. I can honestly say that I found your blog from a friend of a friend of a friends blog about a year ago and ever since I've been reading yours daily.I love your witty style of writing and also your strong testimony. When you were going through such hard times you and your husband stood firm and I respect you so much for that and also look up to you:) I also don't have a blog address to give you but please know that I am a normal 23 year old girl, faithful and active memeber of the LDS church and teach the 14-17 year olds in Sunday School:) If you cannot add me I understand and completely agree with going private when you feel you should. Best wishes to you and your cute lil family!

Laura said...

I guess it would be smart for me to leave you my email address! Sorry about that.

allison said...

Just another stalker that has enjoyed reading your posts for the past several months. I will definitely miss your funny and entertaining observations and thoughts on life but if you ever find a way to add more people my email is allison.eccles@gmail.com. You can get to my blog if you click on my profile. Thanks and good luck!

Alyssa Griffeth said...

I realize I'm a little late on commenting. If you already have too many people to add to your Blogger list, I totally understand, but we always love reading about what you guys are up to!!


P.S.- Allison, that last girl that commented was my sisters old roommate at BYU 10 years ago! WEIRD!

noelle regina said...


pick me pick me!

Cortney Clegg said...

Hi Jenna!-
Ok, I do blog-stalk you, but we have actually met...I bought your Univ. Ave. Condo contract Winter semester of '04. I thought you were pretty awesome then too. :)

Lemme said...

i found your blog through anis about a year ago and im addicted...please add me!
im private so id have to add you too...maybe you could email me your email

Jamie said...

This was almost disastrous! We just moved to Boston and got our internet set up today. What if I had missed this post? Add me please.


Holly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

You don't know me, but I found your blog through my recommended feed on google reader. I don't have a blog myself, but I promise I am not a creeper, I graduated from BYU in '07 and lived in Hinckley in '03.I enjoy reading your blog and would love to keep reading. I am expecting a baby too--in December--and have especially loved your lime post. I can totally relate to your multiple-bodily-functions-happening-simultaneously! Anyways, if you can't add me, I understand, but I want to wish you the best with your little coconut.
Chelsey Smith

elise said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
elise said...

hey jenna - we don't really know each other. only kind of. i was roommates with katie @ byu & i know we have met once or twice. anyway, i check in on your blog from time to time & think it is great. i totally get it if you run out of invites, but still, i wanted to say hi. good luck with the little baby!


callie said...

i'm a little delayed...

i hope i'm a bit above a "random reader" but no hard feelings if i'm not CHOSEN. ha! i feel like i'm standing in line, waiting to be picked for the cool kickball team. and yes. you are the captain of the cool team...


elder douglas foulger said...

rach introduced me to your blog and i love it! i hope i can still be able to read it!

meagan foulger.

Jacey said...

I'm a friend of all the Hillstead's and stumbled upon your blog and LOVE it. I relate to you and the way you post. please please include me (although I'm a total stranger) when you do go private.
Jacey Viehweg

Also- if you could possibly tell Katie that I'd love to be added to her blog too- I miss hearing about the Zach Hillstead family. Thanks!

Annalisa said...

yes, you can have access to my blog too. email is helpfulannalisa@gmail.com

Lauren said...


I found your blog through a lot of mutual friends we have! Hopefully we can be blogging buddies.