25 October 2009

i really needed this today.

a message from the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints. ***and so you all know, YES i am fine. it's just good to have a little reminder sometimes. that's all!


Nila Watterson said...

Jenna, are you all right?

Mel said...

I just wanted to say thank you for posting that. It touched me. I hope you are doing well & that everything is ok. Hang in there.

Rachel said...

Thanks for posting this. Kirk said they watched it in priesthood today, but he couldn't hear anything. It is great to be reminded of Christ's atonement.

preston. shawnee. cohen said...

Hi Jenna,
I'm not sure if you remember me? My name is Shawnee and I'm friends with Brittany Barnes, which is how I came accross your blog. I believe I met you at the platinum party last year and then again at Britt's birthday party.. I was huge and pregnant at the time ha.
First off, congrats on being pregnant! Your little girl will be darling. And you are the cutest little pregnant lady.
Second, I loved this message. I love being reminded to look at things from an eternal perspective. This makes me want to strengthen my relationship with my Christ even more. So thank you. And I hope it not weird that I wrote that since we don't really know each other.
Anyway, you're darling and so is your blog :)

missy said...

:) thanks jenna-i love it. It was good to see you the other night at the dinner!