i know i talked about her before, but one of my best friends megan took some maternity photos for me back in october and i can't get over how talented she is. she is so amazing with natural light. i swear the girl has a vision and makes it happen. talent. here are some of my favorites-- which one should i order to hang in goldie's room?
just want to say THANKS to you meg. thanks for the impromtu photo shoot. thanks for letting me squeeze into your clothes (yes, the only clothing that is mine is my blue flowered cardigan and jeans), and thanks for sending them my way. i sincerely love and miss you.
to view full photo shoot, click here.
jenna, i LOVE the first one. such beautiful pictures and such a beautiful, sweet baby. congratulations!
I vote for the one that is above you where you are looking at the camera. I think it is a neat looking pic. Congrats on the babe. She has so much hair! I love that she smiles so much.
i love the one that you are sitting on the rock or log or whatever it is, laughing. That one made me smile. It radiates happiness. I love it!
I like the second last and third last the best. Though the fourth last where you're sitting and laughing is pretty close too.
They're all beautiful pics Jenna!
And I love all the pics of adorable Goldie...I just love all her hair too!
I like the first one and the one where you're sitting and laughing in the purple sweater! These are great pictures!
they are all absolutely beautiful, but my fav's are 2 and 7. you're so pretty
funny how almost no one is agreeing on the same picture that is commenting! but i am going to go with the first one as well....i love it!
LOVE the pictures Jenna!!! Although all the pictures are beautiful and artistic I think you should do 3 or 4 because it shows how truly happy you are, how pregnancy brought a lot of joy into your life. Those two especially, in my mind, captures heart and soul in the picture. That way if you keep the picture in her room as Goldie girl gets older she will see her beautiful mom with a big smile on her face, Ah that is love. p.s I absolutely love your flowery cardigan, like LOVE it A LOT.
ohhh sheesh, sorry for the really confusing comment--lots of grammatical errors--I'm sick and absolutely worn out today so my brain just isn't firing properly! HA! I hope you understood what I was getting at! ;)
first one. your hair is perf.
p.s. love goldie girl. what a bundle of love.
what?!? no! my most favorite is the third. you, smiling up at the camera. a bit mischievous. kinda sassy, just like goldie will be. you know?
my vote is the first! you look hot!
I really like the 2nd to last one. The background is amazing and you have the cutest face!!
you're so pretty
I really love them all.. but I say #1 or #3. Megan did do a great job and you make taking them easy cause you are beautiful!
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