13 June 2011

three little pigs say "la la la"

we took goldie and annie to the children's museum in atlanta last week and it was so much fun for the little goldenstein. she was in hog heaven. one of her all-time favorite things to do is reorganize the pantry--jello boxes, mason jar lids, boxes of cake mix, sweet potatoes and onions... whatever is on the bottom shelf is free game. she also loves to go grocery shopping with me and is usually very helpful with putting veggies in the plastic bags. i'm currently on the hunt for a miniature shopping cart--she would die. there was a painting wall, a ball area, a fishing area (she wore a mermaid rain coat; hilarious). anyway, we will definitely be going back.

i've been trying to use my actual camera these days rather than my iphone.  obviously i still use the iphone more because it's just convenient-- but i will say that i cherish these actual photos.  doesn't goldie look huge?

our sweet, sweet annie.  i cannot get enough of this baby.

it wouldn't be a normal day without a block in goldie's mouth.

i'm not gonna lie, i kind of miss the days of when we actually took a roll of film in to get developed.  there were tangible pictures right there, and you HAD to put them in an album or something-- or at least i did.  i take photos but it's rare if i develop them... which is dumb and i should change that.  anyway, hope you're having a wonderful day.


Catrina said...


One like this?:)

Michelle said...

I also kind of miss getting film developed, the anticipation! I'd always do one hour photo, rush back to pick them up, and run out to my car to sit in the parking lot and go through the pics (at least twice).

Joseph and Jessica said...

So glad Goldie liked it! Lucy loves the children's museum! We live close to it, so let us know the next time yall make the trip :)

abbie said...

Her little spunky hair do is killing me. And I know we've established this about 2,000 times but Violet and Goldie are t-w-i-n-s!!! Wish they could have a playdate.

Julie said...

oh my goodness! that is allison's favorite book—three little pigs say la la la!

Nila said...

These are the cutest girls EVER! I love Goldy's dimple! We have a Children's Museum here in Denver - it's a sure fire, slam-dunk grandma date place. All my grandkids between 2 and 9 love it.

Josh and Melissa said...

Jenna- your girls are so cute!! What precious pictures of both of them!