07 February 2012

10 points for honesty.

this post gets down to the nitty gritty, so here goes.

i have taken pride in this blog for awhile now. it has been my special place to vent, to express my thoughts and emotions, to let loose and be myself, to document my life and the life of my growing family.. it's been a little haven for me really. unfortunately, we live in a world where it's not all that safe anymore to just be. it makes me sad.

i received an email from this woman named anne in germany. she said the following:

Dear Jenna,

thanks for your reply!
You might have noticed in my first email that my English is not very good, I therefore asked a good friend to help me write this email so you can understand better.

So, I have to start in May 2010. A group for moms was created in a social network (meinvz.net). A lot of women met here who were expecting their babies in January 2011. I was a member of this group and also a woman called Linda J. Ve. We were exchanging pictures of our bellies, talked about our families and our pregnancies. This group still exists to this day but we got all a little confused, since some of Linda J Ve´s remarks were weird.
In the meantime this group also existed on facebook including new moms. Some of them started looking for information to find out what Linda J Ve was talking about. One of the moms searched on google for Jake Vela who was supposed to be Linda´s husband. Doing this she discovered the link of your blog.


The mom showed us the link in our facebook group and we were all appalled. Linda J Ve impersonated herself as Jenna and posted the translated details literally in the facebook group. The only change she made was that she reduced your age by one year (Goldie is born in January 2010 instead of Jan 2011). She therefore showed us everything a year later and made up some more details.

Of course, we were shocked and wanted to know who this person really is and why she did this. We told her that we knew everything.

After telling her, she deleted herself out of all the groups. She also deleted her facebook account; therefore there is no evidence left.
But I think that some of the moms took screenshots. I will ask for them and then send them to you by email.

The reason I´m telling you this is that you are informed about what happens with your private information.
Your blog is really nice and I read it on a regular basis. It´s nice to get updated since one has the feeling to really get to know you but unfortunately there are people who abuse this kind of information.

I´d be happy if you would respond to this email again.

Best regards (also to your cute girls)

she followed the email with these screen shots:

basically someone has been using the posts and photos from my blog and has been living my life, acting as me, pretending that my children are their children, that my husband is their husband... it has made me feel uncomfortable and sad. i'm thankful for anne who wrote to let me know what was going on. just goes to show that you really have no idea who is reading what and what kind of people are out there. personally, i don't feel threatened. it's more sad than anything. i've gone back and forth NUMEROUS times on whether or not i want to make this blog private. i feel like a lot of good as come from my blog, meaning: i've received many emails from people that i don't know, expressing gratitude for something that i wrote. i've received emails from people telling me their own personal stories, and it felt so good to know i wasn't alone in whatever i was feeling. those kinds of experiences make me want to keep it public. however, i have been feeling lately that maybe it's time to close my life up a little bit. i have always felt okay about what i write on here because it's mostly about me-- i divulge information about myself and some tidbits here and there about my kids and what they're up to, but i don't get personal about my marriage, about things that happen in our family, etc. 
but that question keeps popping up in my head, even before all this german craziness began:

when is enough, enough?

why do i check facebook on my phone like 30 times a day? do i really care that much about what other people are doing? no, i don't. why do i feel the need to document every moment on instagram? what is the purpose? yes i love seeing those photos and i love creating books about my children with them. however, the line is very thin between wanting to do it for my own pleasure, and wanting to do it so that other people can see what we're up to. i have no idea why i have needed such validation, but for some reason i did. and... well, i don't want to feel like that anymore. same goes for this blog. i am woman enough to admit that i got excited back in the day when i had some followers. i loved when people commented. it made me feel good that people read my blog and wanted to share my life. but do i update for my own personal reasons? or do i update for you? i don't know anymore... and so i think that's when we need to sit back and really think about what we're spending our time doing and thinking. at least for me, that's important.

with all that said, i'm going to go ahead and make this blog private. in no way do i personally feel threatened. i'm not easily intimidated.

but no one, and i mean no one, messes with my family. especially my children.

it's a bittersweet feeling for me to do this. it's been a good run, ya know? i know that a lot of people who read this are people that don't know me, and i'm sure most of you are very kind, loving, wonderful people. i simply can't take the risk anymore. who knows how long i'll keep it private (i had problems last time i tried this), but i hope you understand. please leave your email as a comment and i'll do my best to add everyone that i feel comfortable adding (this means i'll be adding my family members and close friends first, then more friends after that, etc... until the spots are filled). if you don't receive an invite, please please don't feel offended. nobody knows why blogspot only allows 100 private readers, but it is what it is. 

it's been fun sharing my thoughts and feelings with you. thanks for all the love. my email is jenna.vela@gmail.com if you ever want to drop a line. otherwise, keep on keepin' on my friends.


Luke and Marin said...

Hey Jenna, I'm so sorry this happened. I have absolutely LOVED reading your blog, and would love to keep doing so. You have inspired me in more ways than one. Thank you for teaching me to enjoy every moment with my family. However, I totally understand if there isn't enough room for me. If there is enough room, send the invite to lgcoltrin@gmail.com Thanks Jenna!!

Stephanie said...

Love your blog. Especially your posts about motherhood - while my kids are older than yours, I really related to a lot of them. I am so sorry to hear that someone has violated you in that way. I only started blogging a year and a half ago (due to my son's medical condition) and sometimes I wonder if it is wise to keep it open.

abby said...

That is craziness!! You should probably feel pretty rad that someone wants your life. Ha! I'm kind of joking, but also it is creepy. I've been feeling so gross about the internet too lately. I guess it's why I never blog. I think, " Oh, I really should blog." And then I think, "But why??" If I don't feel compelled to share, then I'm not going to force something fake out. Maybe someday I'll get back in a blogging groove.

If you have space, you know I'd love to keep reading.

abbygracesharp at gmail

Jamie said...

This is weird. Really weird. What's even weirder is that you are my second friend who has had this happen. It makes me re-think my own blog's public status.

Why can't blogger be like Instagram where you can request to follow people. It makes it so much easier than only being allowed to add 100 people and then shutting the rest of the world out. So strange. I hope they change that soon. It would definitely motivate me to go private sooner rather than later.

In any case, I would love it if you would add me to your private blog. My address is jamie (dot) a (dot) cook @gmail.com

emily lloyd andersen said...

So crazy.


Erin_C said...

That is so creepy. What a scary thing. My husband and I were just talking about the "fine line" between personal records and public validation. Its something I need to work on, and appreciate your thoughts on. As someone who doesn't know you and rarely comments, I'll just say I'll miss reading your blog and wish the best for you and your beautiful family!

Agnė said...

tavo "blog'as" yra vienas iš labai nedaug kuriuos reguliariai skaitau. gaila kad tokie keisti žmonės sugadina tai kas gera. sėkmės.


Merritt said...

Jenna! love you and your blog. this seems to be the best decision for you and your family at this point. Thanks for leaving your email. mine is matidrick@gmail.com
Hope I can keep reading if not we can chat through email

The Cartwright Family! said...

Hey jenna, so sad that people are so creepy. I enjoy keeping up with you and your family. Include me if you can! amycart@gmail.com.

Unknown said...

I can relate. I have several blogs, one of them private because its about my family. only family and super close friends. it is a shame though, because i would want to share so much more, but in my country this is not safe to do, and even if it were, im not sure i'd be comfortable doing it.

i always did like your blog, but first things come first.

michael. mindy. dane. said...

holy CRAP! i can't even believe this happened. i mean you hear about it, but it doesn't seem like it would really happen to you, ya know? i'm glad you shared it. and i 100% understand you only adding people you personally know. i mean, any one of us could be creeper, right? i'm not! i promise! anyway. i will miss your blog. my little boy is a month younger than goldie, so i love reading about her. and i love your thoughts and honesty and how real your blog is. i will miss it. but like i said..totally understand. anyway, that's all :)

Alisha said...

I'm so sorry this happened to you! And your post made me think: do I document our lives for me, or for others? Thanks for the food for thought and good luck in the future! Your family is adorable.

Melody b said...

I am seriously in shock right now! What in the world! That is just a little freaky. Glad it isn't anything threatening but still, so evasive! We need to all do something soon!

Amanda said...

Wow, that is so sad. I have read your blog for a few years now and really enjoy it. I've never met you but feel I "know" you anyway! Your family is adorable I love your writing. I'd love to keep following, but understand family and friends come first. Take care and God bless you and your family! acedergreen@gmail.com

Angela and Mike said...

Jenna, this is one of the most odd stories I have ever heard. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm sure you feel violated. Lame. Lame. Lame. If you have room, I love hearing updates on your little family :)

angeladrose at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

Hey cute Jenna! This is all too crazy to believe! You know I'd love to keep following your blog. Michekkeholbrook@gmail.com. Love ya!

Michelle said...

Um, my email is michelle. Not michekke, not sure how that happened. :)

Zane + Nichole said...

hi jenna,

we met at the cooking class at jacob's cove when you were pregnant with annie. i totally understand if you can't add me to the private list, but i wanted you to know how much i have appreciated reading your blog. i have clinical depression and while i don't believe you have said that you do you have written about times in your life that were hard and made you sad. i look up to you so much and the life that you have created for yourself and your beautiful family. reading your blog has reminded me that it's ok to have bad days... those days don't mean i can't have the life i want to lead.

thanks so much again and i'm sorry weirdos exist. i would totally do the same thing if i was in your position. definitely those beautiful girls should come first.

Andrea said...

so weird. it wasn't the same person that did this to jen right?! so many crazy people in the world.
don't forget the knapton's...andreaknapton02@gmail.com

Marie and Wes said...

I can't even believe this story! It's too crazy for words! You are right. It's sad. I completely understand what you are saying. I've been following your blog for over two years now as our girls are only a week or so apart. I was added last time you went private and would really love it if I could be added again this time. I truly appreciate your candidness and honesty. As a mom, it feels so good to read about other moms going through the same things I am. You have been that for me. Thank you. Good luck with all of this! marie_bromfield@hotmail.com

Becca said...

ah how sad and scary that people feel the need to do this! I would love to stay updated on your blog. Jake home- taught my family as I was growing up and I would love to stay updated on what is going on with his cute little family. My email is becc617@gmail.com but I totally understand if close family/friends fill spots up first. Good luck with all this!

jill said...

you can have more than 100 FYI


Jodi said...

that's so creepy jenna...i'm sorry all that happened to you.


Chrissi said...

Wow, it is so sad that there are people that think it's ok to do things like this! I'm so sorry that your privacy was violated in such a creepy way. I've always enjoyed your blog- so many times what you write is what has been going through my mind as well, and it's nice to see my similar thoughts so eloquently written. If you have room I would love to keep reading, but I understand that you also need to draw the line somewhere.


Katie and joe said...

What a mess! So sad this happens. We love you and your family, and think of you sincerely as friends. Would love to keep reading if there's room! katiebrewer3@gmail.com

natalie said...

I am so sorry you have experienced this. It take "bizarre" to a whole new level. I love reading about your family. You are an amazing mom and I hope to continue to read about your happenings and your experiences :) All the best to your darling family!

Lauren said...

I fully support you, Jenna dear. This is MESSED UP and you and your beautiful family don't deserve it. I am sending you my love. Hugs.

Alixa said...

That is CRAZY! I saw a documentary once where this happened. Anyway, I would love to keep reading!


Meikel said...

Unbelievable. I have loved reading your words.
I would love to be able to keep up with you, but that 100 will fill up fast. Do whatever works for you!
Much love,

Megano said...

I think your smart Jenna. If someone goes to that much trouble to use your info who knows what they're capable of. I feel ya do what ever you want to me but the second you mess with my kids that's it. If there is room I'd love to still read, if not I totally understand:)

swampscorch22 said...

jenna- i have long read your blog and felt inspired by many things you have written. you have such a great way of expressing yourself through words. its horrible that someone could go as far to violate another person in the form of identity fraud, but sadly thats the world we live in. i also know there is so much good in this world. your blog and what god has done in your life speaks for that. i would love to continue reading.

ruth in houston, tx.

Courtney said...

That is weird. Really weird. I guess you just never really know what people are actually like. I've been following your blog for about a year now, and I've really enjoyed hearing about your cute girls. No, we don't "know" each other, but I feel like I "know" you from your posts. You are a beautiful writer and I've enjoyed how honest you are about everything. Does that sound creepy? :) I think what you are doing is really smart. I totally understand if there isn't enough room, but if there is I would love to keep reading. courtneymaxfield (at) gmail (dot) com.

Courtney said...

That is weird. Really weird. I guess you just never really know what people are actually like. I've been following your blog for about a year now, and I've really enjoyed hearing about your cute girls. No, we don't "know" each other, but I feel like I "know" you from your posts. You are a beautiful writer and I've enjoyed how honest you are about everything. Does that sound creepy? :) I think what you are doing is really smart. I totally understand if there isn't enough room, but if there is I would love to keep reading. courtneymaxfield (at) gmail (dot) com.

Chelsea said...

people are nutty nuts.
add me if you have room:
chelsea (dot) alder (at) gmail (dot) com

Jill said...

YIKES! I'm a friend of the Vela's, Jill (Fairbanks) Pollard. You family is beautiful and you are an incredible writer I love to follow! best of luck!

Tori said...

People are seriously nutso!!! I can't even believe this happened to you... Craziness! You better add me to your private blog though:) We love you guys!

Unknown said...

that is crazy! i had a guy pretend to be my husband and emailed me all these emails from his address that were vulgar and horrible. To make matters worse JOe was in Germany when all this was happening. I was freaking out! if you have room, please add me. mckenzie.h.graham@gmail.com

eden and david said...

When you read things like that, you really wonder what is going on in people's heads. I love your blog and the wonderful words that are written here. If possible, edenbarrett@yahoo.com

Ali said...

unreal. I had a psycho comment on one of my posts recently who I don't know at all - hence why my blog is now private. creepy. anyway, we'd love to keep up on your blog!

chloé said...

i'm so sorry this happened to you! i don't know if brittany barnes ever talked to you about this but almost 2 years ago i left a comment on one of your posts. a few months later i had this random site linking to my website. i found it in my statcounter. turns out it was from the comment i left on your website. but this website wasn't your website.. it was someone else's pretending to be you and several other people. some of brittany's posts were on there and a few other bloggers. i think brittany's husband tracked down a phone # or email and told the person to stop doing what they were doing and immediately the blog was removed. i wonder if it was the same person? this blog was clearly in english though and i think it was originated in the U.S.. also this girl had the craziest stories that seemed so far fetched. she claimed she had cancer and wouldn't be able to have kids but then all the sudden she was pregnant and was going to keep the baby.. but she was using other peoples posts and pictures! anyway. it creeped us all out. i wasn't sure if you were ever aware of that. anyway, i don't blame you for doing this at all. i really am debating going private myself. i know you probably are going to have way over a hundred people who want to read your blog but if you have room for more some day by email is chloeroseashby@gmail.com. good luck with everything!

Jordyn said...

We do not know each other, But i love reading your blog. We both have daughters the same age. I would love to continue reading, but understand if I cant.


Jen Holtkamp said...

that is so creepy! sorry that it happened to you and your family! - jen

Anonymous said...

Hi Janna: I'm so sad!! But I totally get why someone would want to impersonate YOU! Heck, I'd give it a go if I wasn't so old! I have loved peeking into your blog just to see your sweet girls - they are growing up way too fast. Now I guess I'll just have to make a point of seeing them in person when you come home to visit! And by home I mean Seattle! Love to you and the fam - I think you're all terrific! xo,Auntie Nan

Heath and Gretchen said...

Same scary thing happened to my sister. Only some creeper guy was pretending to be her husband and going on online dating sites saying his wife (my sis) had just passed away. When she finally updated her blog again after 6 months one of the women realized his wife was in fact still alive so she emailed my sister. And that's when we went private. :) We'd love to keep reading, but totally understand if we don't make the cut! Dang blogger! Really, just 100 invites? Really????? :) gsparry@gmail.com

Ed and Amanda said...

Jenna! it's amanda (huntington). I love your blog and seeing your adorable family but I totally understand if your spots fill up. Just in case you have room, my email is

Darren and Brandi said...

How terrible. I can't believe someone would do something like that. I would probably want to go private too. I'm sure you've got lots of people to add so I understand if you can't add me, but if you've got extra room, I LOVE reading about what's going on with you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Jenna! I feel so violated....for you! If you have room I'd love to continue reading, if not...totally understand and respect your decision 100%. I've gone public since the summer and sometimes this worries me too. People have stolen pics of my dog off Flickr and made profiles for her...I sure hope no one would steal my life too!


Rachel said...

That just is so weird...I'm so glad that that girl emailed you about it though. I'd love to continue reading your blog. :)


Cherice said...

I d love to be included but I m thinking you will have way more than 100 readers. lol cherice_magleby@hotmail.com. Miss you lady

monica said...

jenna. love you girl. love your writing and photos.
i might take my family private soon also.
keep it real!

Julie Nielsen said...

Hi Jenna,

I'm one of Katie friends from Ohio. I have been following you and your adorable family's blog for a couple years now. I'd love an invite, but I totally understand that they are limited. You guys are so stinkin cute and I'd love to follow what you guys are up to! Julie Nielsen JulieLynnNielsen@gmail.com

Jessica said...

JessicaHolbrook8@gmail.com.... I totally understand where you are coming from! goodluck and btw we are facebook friends, just so you know I am not a creeper!

Cody & Britt said...

ugh what a nightmare! i've heard too many stories similar to this and it has me thinking of making mine private as well. i'd love to keep reading if you have room!


Megan said...

Wow. This is un real. Talk soon.
Much love

Jennie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carrie Fox said...

Yikes! Totally creepy! As sad as I am that you are making your blog private, I totally get it. Its so sad that some crazy people have to ruin a good thing..... I have loved following your blog! Although I haven't ever met you, I grew up with your husband, Jake. If there is room for me on your private blog, I would love to continue to follow you guys! My email is: carrielashellefox@gmail.com. If not, I totally get it! Best of luck to you and your cute family!

Stefanie said...

oh my gosh, i'm shocked. your decision is the best you can make. i hope i'll be able to keep reading, but i'd also understand, if you just want to add people you know personally.


Malia said...

I had something similar (not to the same extent) happen to me, which is why I went private. It's unfortunate because there are so many people out there who just enjoy connecting and relating but there are a lot of really scary people out there.

I'm sorry it happened to you and your cute family :(
I really enjoyed reading your blog while it was live. Best of luck.

Little Lisa said...

Hi, Jenna. That is really weird; I am glad you're going private. We haven't seen each other (or spoken) since probably sophomore year at BYU, so I understand if I don't make the "Top 100". But I love your blog. Thanks for writing and writing well!


Katherine Fajen said...

Wow, that is so shocking. I'd love to keep reading your blog if you have enough spaces. :)

nate & traci said...

Sorry that this has happened!! If you have room count me in...dtjsanford@yahoo.com

allison said...

How sick and sad. At least someone had the decency to let you know. I have been reading your blog for about 3 years now and feel I can relate to you in many ways. I love the way you express your thoughts so clearly. I also have two kids close in age to yours. You have inspired me to start crossfit, which I love, and you have also helped me to realize I'm not the only mom who gets absolutely overwhelmed at times. I have loved reading your blog and would love to keep reading if you have room to add me. Thanks for your honest and candid words over the years.


Landon + Adriana said...

Really creepy. Sorry that happened. I have always enjoyed your honest approach when blogging.... SO IF there is enough room.... :) amjaussi@gmail.com

Erin + Geoff said...

i can't believe this.. i was telling Geoff and we were both disgusted! he said, "i have a really dark feeling now" and I agree.. that is no good and I'm glad you're going private. he wants me to go private too even though i think 5 people read my blog, but better safe than sorry! miss you guys!
gwlong86@gmail.com (our blog is connected to Geoff's email, so don't send the invite to mine... if you have room for us!)
love Erin

jenn said...

geesh the crazies out there! i am sorry this happened to you. i LOVE reading your blog...and have been reading for a while. our children are the same age (finley just turned 2 jan 20 and danika is 6 months old)...so although i dont "know" you....i feel i know you and we are going through a lot of the same things with both having 2 under 2 and with them the same age...i would love to be able to follow you into private land, but understand if the spots are full. god bless you, jake, goldie, and annie! you have a beautiful little family!!!!
and please stop by my blog if you ever get a free minute! id love to have you!

Mrs. Blimes said...

ugh, some people. Sorry this happened to you girl. I love reading your posts and would be grateful for a spot if you have room.
If not, happy blogging and thank you so much for all the inspiration and perspective you've offered me!


Amanda and Matt Dalton said...

I'd love to keep reading about your life and mommy adventures- fun as I am just embarking on mine. Your girls are precious- I think its a good move.

Brandi said...

It's crazy that there are people out there capable of doing things like that!? Makes me consider going private as well! We'd love an invite! Trevor & I love keeping up with your cute little fam! :)

Brandi said...

Oops! Forgot to leave our email!--
Kamasamoa {at} gmail {dot} com

Alyssa Griffeth said...

That is absolutely CRAZY!!!! I'm so sorry that happened to you. If you have room, I'd love to have an invite, but I totally understand if you don't. griffethhome {at} gmail {dot} com

Aubree said...

Why are some people so nuts???? I would love to keep reading if possible. aubs_10@hotmail.com

Aubree (jenyes college roommate:))

The Tolley's said...


Im kara ellsworths sister if u 4get! Sorry that that happened to you!

Law Rhen said...

so terrible. i always debate going private with my blog also!

lawrhen@gmail.com for your ever so popular blog, i'd love to read.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


Unknown said...

holy crap is this a joke. OMG I can't believe this. okay yeah um go private. PLEASE. and PLEASE add me! I am legitimately creeped out right now, and I am SO glad I went private a while back. Why are people so crazy?!?!?!

Maleen said...

I wonder sometimes if I post for me or others too. Nothing like a creepy experience to make you real evaluate. :)

I would love to keep reading.


TLC said...

This is So Sad! I'm so sorry this happened to you! I've been reading your blog for the last two years and your such a inspiration/sweetheart! With two beautiful little girls! I really understand though...They Have to come first. I can't believe people these days?!?!?

If it's true you can have more than a 100, I would love to still follow along. But if not, completely understand.


Alexis Scheid said...

Jenna! You are so popular! I would love to keep reading if you have room for me in your 100! (I am so glad I don't have that problem.) I have been wanting to go back private again for a while and then when your story came out about this crazy German hacker I decided that was the last straw, so our blog will private within a week or so too. If you don't already have it:

Whitney Elizabeth said...

This is so creepy and disturbing. So sorry this happened to you. I've loved reading your blog,but if you don't have enough room, I totally understand.


Unknown said...

Well that is just bizarre! I'm so sorry this happened. You don't know me but I have loved reading your blog and am sad to see you go, but I totally understand. Wishing you and your family the best Jenna!

Anna said...

Wow, how upsetting that you had to go through this Jenna. Thank goodness someone notified you. I have been blogging about my family for 4 years and always have some worry about people mis-using my photos or thoughts. It is sad and scary that we even have to think about that. I have read your blog on/off from a link on Gretchen's blog--and really enjoy it. I relate to you and our kids are all very close in age. I appreciate your blog and your writing. I would love to continue to follow you once you go private, but I also understand if it is not possible due to the cutoff at 100 people. Please know, either way...that I am praying for you and your sweet family and wish you the best. annabumford@gmail.com

Stefanie said...

um, just an idea, so that more than 100 people can read your blog:

did you think about watermarking your pictures? i think it would be a good solution and maybe you'll think so, too?! :)

khill said...

Woah- Jenna this is so scary! I would love access to your private blog though: khill618@gmail.com

Love you!

•Kristin• said...

Hi jenna, you don't know me but i have loved following your blog for the past couple years. Goldie and my son, Ezra were born about the same time. I think you are absolutely making the right decision. Those babies are far too precious. I've loved reading your blog, especially your heartfelt and honest posts about motherhood and mommy life. Maybe you could start a blog about that - with your children's names and faces kept private of course. I know you'd have many followers ;) Either way, good luck to you and those beautiful girls! xo

MMMandM said...

Jenna I have followed you for years as well, found you through a friend of a friend, I think from my niece Kelly @ BYU. I would love it if you could add me if you have room--- mfirkins @ gmail.com

Thank you!!! and I hate that this happened to you! goodness.

Nicky said...

Jenna, its crazy how this all happened! I definitely think you are making the right decision for your family. If you can fit us in that would be awesome! Nicky and Kyle nlsmith10@gmail.com

Jenna said...

Just in case you have an extra spot, I'd love to keep reading your blog! I've commented before, but just in case, I'm Jenna R's friend :) Sorry to hear about that creepy experience. I don't know what people hope to gain by doing crap like that! jennword@gmail.com

Kali said...

Hey Jenna!!

Just wanted to say I love your blog while I had a chance! I have popped over a few times here and there over the last couple years via links from friends we have in common. (andrea r., jamie c., morgan p. , callie a. to name a few) I have a daughter goldie's age and fell in love with goldie as a newborn. All that hair just made me swoon! Plus I love your style of documenting your families life. It always left me feeling inspired... Anyways, I am private as well so I understand the move totally. Seeing as I doubt you will have the room for another complete stranger I wish you the very best!! But just in case my email is kaliponder (at) gmail (dot) com. I would love to keep reading! And it is true, you can have more than a 100 readers!! (if you want of course:))

Rebecca Anderson said...

crazy story. if you don't have room don't worry about adding me. I love your blog!

Nila said...

Please put me on you private list - I'll go through terrible withdrawal if you don't! Can't get along without my Jenna!

CASEY & NICOLE said...

That is messed up!! Love you blog and your cute family! If there is room we would still love to follow it! njc8686@yahoo.com

Teandra said...

love to keep reading as well

J said...

if you have any room, i would love to keep reading about your beautiful faith and family and promise i'd never try to steal your identity (i'm perfectly happy with my own). -- from a 22 year old in dc :)

Raquel said...

I'd love to be included... But, I understand the limitations of a private blog. I've enjoyed your thoughts on motherhood and your ability to so honest. Wishing you all the best.



Nicole said...

crazy! i don't blame you in wanting to go private... hope you have room to add me! nmhuntsman@gmail.com

Annalisa said...

this happened to my sister-in-law two years ago...creepy & sad.

best of luck bloggin' in the future. hugs!

emma said...

Holy cow. This is alarming! Thanks for being so wonderful--I am always inspired by the honest and sweet things you say. I don't blame you for needing to protect those little munchkins--they sure are adorable!


Heidi said...

What in the world?! That is so creepy! I actually heard of this happening to someone else. I've loved reading your blog, but also don't know you. Best of wishes to you and your beautiful family!

byubrandy said...

People who say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery have obviously NEVER had anything like this happen to them! It's just terrible that you can't even put a little bit of yourself out in the world without being completely taken advantage of! I'm so sorry this happened to you. I've loved keeping up with you and Katie over the years and would absolutely love to keep reading, if you can spare the room - byubrandy@mindspring.com. I hope you're loving the Bay area - my dad is from San Mateo and so I've spent a lot of time there over the years...especially at the Hillsdale Mall!

sonna said...

oh no! I'm comment 102, aren't I? Well, I hope I can be included Jenna. Maybe you need to create 2 identical blogs so you can invite 200?!

love catching up here with you!

Amy said...

so sorry to hear this happened to you! i love reading your blog and your inspiring words. i would love to be included but totally understand if there isn't room. agb1030@gmail.com good luck!!!

party of four said...

I just wanted to say that I'm sad to see your blog go! I've checked it semi regularly over the last few years and I love your honesty and I think you are an incredible example of a strong and loving mother. I don't actually know you, but my husband knew some of your friends in college (maybe you too?) so I found your blog through one of yours. I'm just a blog stalker, but the non creepy variety. Thanks for sharing your life and your honesty!! Good luck to you and your cute family. I think your girls are THE cutest girls ever! I have two boys (soon to be three) and I'm more than obsessed with them. But...I also love to see adorable little girls and hope that someday I get a girl too :)Sorry you had to have a creeper ruin your blogging. I have more than once had the "why do I do I check facebook and why do I even care?" moments...so I totally understand!!! Take care!

-Kayla Tersigni

emmalily said...

I'm so sorry this happened to you! It's sad people in our world do weird things like this. I don't actually know you personally, but you've been an example of a fun, real, strong mother to me through your blog and I'll miss reading your thoughts on motherhood, family, and life in general. (I'll also miss your haircuts -- you have the best hair!) All the best to you and your super cute family. :)

The Yates said...


You don't know me, but we know a lot of the same people. I'm a friend of Ani's...in her ward...and came across your blog some random day and I just love reading it. I hope that's not weird or creepy. I'm so so sorry for the crazy German lady drama, totally sucks!

anyways, I just wanted you to know how great I think your blog is. You're given me tons of reassurance and great insight. I think you have the best attitude and face the hard times head on with such a great sense of humor and strength. You've helped me realize and remember that I too can do hard things. That I don't need to be so hard on myself, and that I can always improve as a mother.

If you have room, I'd love to keep reading!



Hayley Yates

Jen and Tyson said...

i would love to continue reading you blog! i started following you through your food blog and then realized we knew a bunch of the same people on your personal blog.

Becky said...
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Becky said...

Oh wow, I can hardly believe this. I've heard of stories like this time and time again, all so bizarre. I am sorry about this! I am sure you are wrapped in emotions feeling angry, sad, violated, etc, etc. With all of that said, I would love an invite to keep taking peeks into your life and your beautiful family. The 100 reader thing is such a pain, but for whatever reason I've been able to add more than 100 readers to mine and it doesn't seem to be a problem. Odd, no? I'd rather not report the problem and keep on keeping on, but perhaps you can add more as well???
rebecagiles at gmail

Sveta said...

This is messed up! I've had something similar happen to me. Some girl took pictures of my husband and was pretending that it was her boyfriend. Don't know how long it was going on but I caught her and asked her to delete everything. Not sure if she did, she just blocked me...

Would love to continue to read your updates! sveta.niki@gmail.com