23 August 2008


i'm running out of things to post.  let's see.  today is my last day of work at bath and body.  sad and very happy all at the same time.  one week left in d.c....  need to empty my pantry somehow.  this was the last thing i wanted to do in d.c.:  paddle the potomac.  here is the picture and it was so much fun.  i now can go home in peace.
hey.  i really hope you all had a good summer.


The Young Family Inc. said...

Nen-na! Your hair is getting sooo long! Good for you!! I heart it long.

grant + brittany said...

Wow. I look so hot in this picture. That was fun. A good memory. The duck. The "divine" pooh that the restaurant served me. Maggie Moo customer service. And of course my GPS forever reading... "Acquiring Satellites".

Anonymous said...

i i i i

Anonymous said...

I could look at your mission pictures for days....THANK YOU!...what a treat. Let's do a slide show. Wait, people don't "do" slide shows anymore do they? Power point?